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Some Wardrobe Thinking

Hello loves! No recent make for now, but I've been thinking about what to make a lot. Lately I'm feeling a serious itch when I look into my wardrobe in the morning. Maybe it's the weather. Last week it has been around 22°C + predictions of heavy rain/storm, Which makes appropriate dressing completely impossible. How are you supposed to dress when the weather is like this and you ride a bike everywhere? You can either get sweaty or get soaked in rain. Also, I want to wear different clothing than the clothing that's actually in my closet at the moment. I feel like the clothing I already made is a bit too cute every now and then. I like pink and wide skirts, but I also like my faux-leather dress, leopard and short skirts. So there's a gap I need to fill in my me-made section. What I've made up to now is quite cute in my book, but I really feel the need to change it up! I also had this feeling when I visited the bookstore last week. All sewing books are so cute/sweet/soft coloured/quilting cotton style/for kids/basic... that I sometimes wonder wether the publishers know that there's more to the sewing crowd than people who sew retro or people who sew for their kids or are absolute beginners. I'd love to see a book that includes more fashionable designs that are not that simple. But maybe I'm just being difficult here. Last week I was scrolling through all of the blogposts in my reader and as a godsend came Heather Lou's post on inspiration for the Nettie Sewalong (In case you haven't seen Nettie: this bodysuit is amazeballs! Here is proof: nettie bodysuit closet case filesSee, quite awesome! And in this inspiration post were a lot of outfits that resonated with me. They reminded me of how I used to dress before I got into cute stuff. They reminded me more of myself actually! So I went on a crazy Pinterest marathon and gathered some stuff I liked. Which I'll show you an extract of. More to be found on my Pinterest board! collage 1 collage 2 collage 3source: 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6, 7 I'll try to come up with a to sew list, but since I'm as unpredictable as they come with this type of things I'm not making any promises here! Do you ever feel like you're in a style-funk? How do you get out?