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Liebster Award

Hello you lovely people! I have some serious catching up to do when it comes to blogging! I need to hand in all of my graduation papers for school at the end of May, I'm working on a couple orders for clients, writing posts for Sew It Up and so on... The house is a mess and so is the sewing studio, but I decided that's what it's going to look like untill the end of May! As some of you might know, I've spend the last two weeks sewing for my mother and this weekend I'm delivering the goodies, so I hope to show you some pictures next week (if everything fits as good as I hope it will!) Now, I got tagged a lot the last couple weeks! Lieke from A Bouquet of Buttons tagged me in her really cool new feature called "sewing café". Check it out to see how cool this feature is! I can inform you that we are about to get together and chat away a little for another episode of "sewing café" and I'm really looking forward to it. However, I'm rambling here, since I'm supposed to write a post on the fact that I received TWO Liebster awards! I feel like a superstar now! The first one came from Caroline who blogs at "Dat maak ik zelf" and the second one from Kat who blogs at ThePolkadotroom. I'm really thankful to receive this awards! (THANKS!) liebster award So here we go! First: a short note on the rules! - it's an award for bloggers with less than 500 followers.- you should share 11 facts about yourself - you should link to the one that nominates you in your blogpost - you must answer the 11 questions from the person who nominated you -you have to pick between 5 and 10 new bloggers to nominate and leave a reaction on their blog about the nomination. So I'll start with the 11 random facts 1. I'm lefthanded, but I use my right hand to cut stuff with scissors. 2. I'm quite an introvert and prefere talking to people one on one instead of going out in big groups. 3. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an anatomopathologist. 4. I love watching Quenting Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez movies. From Dusk 'till Dawn is my favorite because of the bar in the movie that's called "Titty Twister". + George Clooney and vampires in one movie. Awesomesauce! 5. I have a strange love for Bruce Springsteen music and I say it's my mother's fault. 6. I ironed my leg when I was 10. You should not try to do this yourself. 7. I read sewing books and pattern making books before I go to bed, it makes me feel relaxed. 8. Handsewing makes me happy and calm. 9. As a child I finished every age-appropriate book in the local library. Literally. 10. I'm lactose-intolerant and almond milk is my favorite replacement. I wish they made almond yoghurt. I'd buy it. 11. When I was a teen, I refused to put anything besides cherry jam on my sandwiches. And here are the Questions from the Liebster Award by Kate 1. What is the the dress pattern you would recommend the most? I'm saying Elisalex, By hand London .That bodice is awesome! 2. What’s the worst thing you have ever made and why? Chicken-wire crinoline anyone?I warn you: it's a really bad idea! 3. If you could dress like any woman in history, who would it be? I'd dress like Elizabeth I, Queen of England from 1558 - 1603. Those dresses were AMAZING. I made an Elizabethan corset once and the support it gives is so lovely! Also: huge skirts and puff sleeves for the win! elizabeth 1 wikipedia 4. Out of the four Sex and The City lead women, who would you be? I'd be Charlotte. I'm quite uptight. 5. Where and what would your ultimate holiday be? I'd love to go to New Zealand once. But I'll take Parisian Fabric Shopping Spree any time! So, I will pass this award with the 11 random facts & 5 questions: 1. Which designer would you like to follow around for one day & why? 2. Are you a morning person or not? 3. What's your hidden useless talent? 4. What is your best fashion faux-pas? Please provide pictures if they exist. 5. Who do you admire and why? I'm nominating these 5 bloggers, so go check them out! 1. Emily from Belgian Seams 2. Kim from Reves Mecanique 3. Chantal from A Handmade Wardrobe 4. Jodie from Scared Stitchless 5. Laurence from P'tits Monstres. (I usually don't follow any kids sewing blogs, but her makes are adorable and she's slowly venturing into adult stuff too!) Thanks for reading along and hopefully some sewing results will appear here in the near future! Happy Sewing!