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What I've learned last week #57

Dan-Abramson-01 The last couple of months, I've learned a lot of things online. I'd like to share a couple of those with you. Maybe they can help you too. #1 I cannot count all of the indie pattern designers, but as the author in this article I notice a decline in releases. Is the independent pattern bubble starting to burst? What's necessary to thrive in this demanding and expanding pattern world? #2 There's a lot of confusion about this subject: can you make & sell garments (or toys or bags or...) from a pattern you bought? Turns out you can.

#3 I'm currently trying to get back into shape with a lot of yoga and a lot of healthy eating so I'm all aboard with this author: Let's stop pretending it's "so easy" to be healthy. Cause my morning power yoga sweats & craving for crisps and chocolate can tell you: it's not.

#4 I'm obsessed with the theory of making lingerie and starting my own class on lingerie making MONDAY (finally!) and this article is quite helpful! #5 Yoga Soldiers? Awesome! What did you learn last week?
image source: Dan Abramson