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What I've learned last week #25

63a58922a71863356cf67d926ee9e51e pinterest The last couple of months, I've learned a lot of things online. I'd like to share a couple of those with you. Maybe they can help you too. #1 The fashion world is usually surrounded by a big foggy cloud of mythes. Here's what you really make when working in fashion. #2 Sometimes, a big project can scare the **** out of you. Try thinking like an Olympian athlete. #3 Great adaptations to simple patterns can have huge impact. This post on different types of closures is really inspirng. #4 How being 'nice' isn't necessary a sign that the nice person is a good person. #5 The power of sisterhood: this resonated with me big times. How friendships can fuel you, even when you are an introvert. What did you learn last week?
image source: pinterest