I made this - 2014 Edition
Wow, my second full year of blogging and I loved it!
I switched from wordpress.com to wordpress.org and I'm happy that all of you have followed me here (after all, it's nice if somebody reads what you are writing!)
As last year, I thought it would be fun to do a round-up of all makes! I decided to use the date of the blogpost as the "category" so technically, some makes are 2013, but didn't get blogged (you know, because: presents)
I also includes some shots of the work I did for other people, this list does not include all the made-to-order work I do, since I often forget to take pictures. If you'd like to work with me or gift handmade you can check out those pages!
Let's start in January 2014 and work our way up to the present, shall we!
<La Famille Victor Superia Cycling Jacket>
Apparentely I didn't sew. That's weird. But also: life. I remember I had an exchange project that happened the first two weeks of February and a lot of catching up to do afterwards, which is probably why it was a quite time here!