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Is it a bathrobe? No! It's burda #125!

I present: my first make of 2014! (I still have something from 2013 in my folder, that I'll show you in the very near future!) This coat has been in the making for quite some time... Now it is finally finished, my boyfriend says it reminds him of my bathrobe. We'll see. At least it's very warm. I first blogged about my plans for FESA 2013, can you imagine! This was the original plan: To pair Burda's #125 from the october 2013 issue with a gorgeous blue wool I managed to buy in a stocksale for €5/m. jassen(pictures on the left from Paunnet) So, after the Belgian blogger meet-up where I saw Anneke's version, I decided to bite the bullet and make the thing! I tried on Anneke's version and it was quite big on me. Unfortunately I had cut the same size and no way I was tracing those Burda pattern sheets again. So I decided to wing it. I cut off all seam allowances (which I carefully added...) and decided to make it. So that's why it's quite big on me now. jas 5And I don't think the belt is helping... However, I can layer as many sweaters as I like underneath it! To take in all the excess fabric I stitched two pleats in the backpiece taking out 4 cm with each pleat. It's still quite roomy and big but that's a good thing. I can stretch my arms very far which is nice when I need to ride my bike (=every day). jas 4 Yes, it's finally getting cold in Belgium. And yes, it started to rain when I decided to take pictures. So that's why I keep wearing my hood. :-) Because I can! jas 3And now... are you in for a surprise? jas open It's hot pink lining! And it's sheepskin (cotton fleece) And it's warm. And it's PINK! The inside of this coats makes me very happy! All coats should have surprising lining. That would make life way more interesting! What do you think? Bathrobe or coat?