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A bag for lingerie making class + first update!

tas vooraanzicht September is coming to its close and I'm ready for October, cause October is my Birthday month! It will be a whirlwind just as September was and I'm trying to get more organised for what will surely be a month full of work + parties (yay!) In my attempt to organise my life I also decided I needed a new bag that would fit all of my supplies for lingerie making class. As I mentioned in a previous post I started a class to become a certified maker of lingerie and corsets and this week was the third class. I notices right away that I needed a bag that would fit all of my supplies. I used to pack everything into heavy duty groceries bags, but I wanted something a bit more classy! It also needed to be a lot bigger, since rulers for pattern making are long & I need to tote a lot of supplies around in this bag! Over on Sew It Up we had the accessories theme for Sew It Up Monthly, so I decided that the time to make a bag was now. detail tas


  • Outer fabric: Julija's shop, 'Frames' by Echino/Kokko, I've bought it several years ago...
  • Lining: Cotton Popeline Moens Modestoffen, bought a while ago
  • straps: black, cotton broadcloth, from stash
  • notions: Vlieseline Vilene H630
  • thread: Gutermann color: 000
  • pattern: none
overview tas


This bag is super easy to make. If you need a pattern piece for reference: this is a quick sketch of how I make my tote bags. If you'd like a tutorial on how to put a lined tote bag together, let me know and I'll make it happen! schets patroondeel tas

Update on Lingerie Class

So far I've been to 3 classes; We'll learn how to draft a basic pattern and how to draft patterns using our own measurements. This semester (untill Christmas break) we'll cover basic knickers, boxer briefs, tanga's and high-waisted knickers. We'll also learn how to make a garter belt. Something I'm really excited about. Pattern making is thaught in group and after that you get to work at your own pace. There's a huge difference in experience levels between students. Some haven't even touched a sewing machine, so I imagine that the classes are quite overwhelming to them! I feel as if I'm learning, but also as if I already know a lot of topics covered in class. It's okay, since I can try and experiment and make more practice samples! My lingerie drawer might explode by Christmas time and I'm considering making some undies as Christmas presents this year. I'm really looking forward to next semester, when we will dive into actual bra-making, which is the part of class I'm the most excited about. For our exam this year, we'll have to make a body with underwires. I love this. Bodies are always to short on me since I have a long torso, so I can't wait to get my hands onto one that actually fits. tas van bovenaf I'm leaving you with this last picture of my lingerie class bag! I love the fabric with all the animals and insects and I'm very happy I finally put the fabric to use!
Want to learn more about my lingerie making adventures? Find it all here!