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November? Stashvember!

I really enjoy buying fabric. I love petting fabrics in fabric stores, wrapping them around me and dreaming up new wardrobe ideas. This fabric will become the best thing I've ever sewn. I'm sure of it. So I buy it. What happens after I get home? Unfortunately, most of the time... hardly anything happens. I have 5 other projects already lined up, my spare time fills up with other activities and ideas and no matter how fast I sew, I still buy more fabric than I have sewing time available. A couple of weeks ago I was discussing this with Lieke, from a Bouquet of Buttons and we decided it was time to kick this bad habit to the curb & tame our stash. We decided: in November, we won't be buying any fabrics! We will be shopping from our stash! Just seeing my stash makes me so sad and unhappy and I want to sew everything that's in my stash and there. is. not. enough. time. I have so many dreams & ideas about these fabrics and buying new fabrics will not make these older dreams come to live. These month: I'm sewing from my stash. Everything works better when it has a name, so we're naming November Stashvember for this year! Stashvember-Hanne-Lieke- I'm the type of person that works well with guidelines, so here are my guidelines for november:
  1. I can buy fabric this week in Paris. Because: PARIS. Also: I need some fabric for my wedding dress and I might find it here. Not passing it up!
  2. I can buy fabric or supplies if I need a supply to finish my project (for example: a button and I can't find any other that will do)
  3. I can buy fabric or supplies if I need something for a project I'm making for someone else and I'm actually making that project (so, no buying fabric for my boyfriend and leave the fabric uncut until 2036)
That's about it! Now, Good news! Is your stash out of control and do you feel a bit sad when you look at your stash? Do you feel guilt when you try to smuggle fabric into the house to avoid questions from partners, children or your cat? Do you wish you could actually wear all the fabric that's now in uncut pieces in your stash? The time to tame the guilt is now! Join Lieke and me in our Stashvember quest to drop the guilt by attacking it with our scissors and sewing machines! You can grab a button & join the fun! Simply copy the code below the image and past it in a widget or a blog post on your blog!