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What I've learned last week #50

2015-06-10 23.04.25 The last couple of months, I've learned a lot of things online. I'd like to share a couple of those with you. Maybe they can help you too. #1 Dit is echt wel te schattig voor woorden. En ook te stoer tegelijkertijd: frozen football team. #2 I'm a big yoga fan (every morning in my studio, yes!) and this article shows that yoga is possible for curvy babes!! (Even though you might feel like you are smothering yourself with your breasts) #3 Looking for body models to draw your new designs onto: this website has them in all shapes and sizes! #4 Seriously digging the use of bias tape in this collection by port 1961. Normally I like my bias tape to be invisble on the inside, but this is gorgeous! #5 So important: I am proud of you! What did you learn last week?
image source: canva